Brow Lift

Serving Greenwood, Greenville, Columbia, South Carolina & nearby Augusta, Georgia

Two early signs of aging are drooping eyebrows and sagging forehead skin, which can make you appear fatigued, worried or moody. A brow lift, sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, can restore a more youthful, relaxed appearance by elevating the eyebrows and forehead.

Board-certified Greenwood plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Vaughn was one of the first cosmetic surgeons in South Carolina to offer endoscopic brow lifts, which are less invasive than traditional brow lift procedures and conceal the small surgical scars within the hairline while rejuvenating this problem area with a smooth, natural look. Please call 864-223-0505 to arrange a consultation with Dr. Vaughn today.

Benefits of a Brow Lift

Brow lifts can be successful in improving the appearance of: 

  • Saggy forehead skin
  • Descending eyebrows
  • Forehead wrinkles

A blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is often combined with a brow lift to remove excess skin and fat from the eyelids and provide a uniformly refreshed appearance. BOTOX® Cosmetic may also be used in conjunction with a brow lift to treat wrinkles and lines surrounding the eyes and between the eyebrows.

The results of a brow lift can prove both functional and aesthetic. While saggy forehead skin can make you appear older, it can also obstruct your vision by pushing your eyebrows lower. A brow lift allows you to see better by lifting your eyebrows to a higher, more appropriate position.

View our Brow Lift Gallery

Advantages of an Endoscopic Brow Lift

The primary difference between an endoscopic brow lift and traditional or coronal brow lifts regards the incisions. Unlike a coronal brow lift, which entails a long incision across the entire forehead, an endoscopic brow lift requires only three small incisions made within the hairline.

An endoscope is passed through one of the incisions, allowing a detailed view of the surgical site and precise control of the instruments used to manipulate the underlying tissue and muscles to reposition your brow. In addition to less invasive incisions and increased accuracy, endoscopic brow lifts typically entail a reduced risk of complications and a faster recovery.

Most patients are able to return to work and resume routine daily activities within a week of surgery, although recovery time varies depending on a number of individual factors. Strenuous physical activity should be avoided until you are cleared by Dr. Vaughn, who will review your complete recovery guidelines with you prior to your procedure.

If you would like to learn more about brow lifts and eyelid surgery, please contact Piedmont Plastic Surgery online or call 864-223-0505 to schedule your personal consultation with South Carolina plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Vaughn. We serve patients in Greenwood, Greenville, Anderson, Columbia, and Laurens.
